Free Schick Razors at Target!

02 July 2011

Here's a great deal you'll want to take advantage of this coming week at Target. Starting 7.3.11, Schick Hydro 5 Razors will be $6.49. When you buy two, you'll receive a $5 gift card. When you throw a couple of the $4/1 coupons from the 6.12.11 SS, you're looking at FREE razors. Here's how to do this deal:

Buy two of the Schick Hydro 5 Razors - total: $12.98
Use two $4/1 from the 6.12 SS - total: $4.98
Receive a $5 gift card - total:  FREE + $0.02 money maker!

If you didn't get the $4/1 coupon, you can also score a $3/1 over at the Schick Hydro Facebook page. With two of the $3/1 coupons, the razors will only be $1 each. Sweet!