15 July 2011

Baby cat says, "Would you just do the drawing already???"

Yay! Tom and Sophia Saver is back up and running after the storm killed our Internet access for FIVE straight days. Can you even imagine??? I was attempting to post from the library, but their Internet and services leave much to be desired!

So, without further ado, I have a giveaway update. Since neither giveaway happened this week, both will be occurring on SUNDAY NIGHT (7.17). The winner of the weekly coupon giveaway will receive LAST week's AND THIS week's coupon inserts! Think of all the great coupons you could receive! Go here for instructions on how to enter - it's fast, free and painless!

ALSO, I'll be doing the drawing for the $50 Restaurant.com gift card. You still have time to enter! Go here to find out how. Check back on Sunday night for the winners of both giveaways - one of them could be YOU!