New Target coupons!

19 June 2011

Don't forget to visit and print out the new available coupons! Highlights include:

B2G1 free Kraft 16oz salad dressing TQ
 -pair with the $1 off 2 14oz or larger Kraft dressings (6.19.11 SS)

$1 off 2 Oscar Mayer Lunchables with fruit TQ
 -pair with $1 off 1 Oscar Mayer Lunchables with fruit (5.15.11 SS)

$1 off 1 Ritz Crackerfuls 6 count TQ
 -pair with $1.50 off 1 Ritz Crackerfuls (4.17.11 SS) OR $.75 off 1 Ritz Crackerfuls Facebook coupon 

$1 off 1 Claussen pickels 20 to 32 oz TQ
 -pair with $1 off 2 Smartsource (zip 90210)

Remember, some of the best deals will run out of prints quickly!

Thanks, Totally Target